Thursday, September 25, 2014

Week Six Essay: High School and College Writing Experience

Writing. Over Achieving Rapper.

Writing is something that I enjoy very much but it has not always been that way. Growing up, reading was a big part of my life but writing was not. I didn't realize how poorly I wrote until I got to college and had to develop new habits to increase my writing abilities.

I am from a very small town in Oklahoma and likewise, went to a very small high school. Academics were important to me but I didn't realize how bad our curriculum was at my school. I graduated high school and had never written a paper longer than two pages. I had no idea how to formulate a proper essay, how to cite sources, or how to plan writing a paper. However, I didn't know that I would really need these skills until I got to college.

My first week at the University of Oklahoma will always stick in my mind. I was enrolled in a composition class and after looking at the syllabus, I freaked out, knowing that I was not prepared to write all of these papers. My freshman year, I was constantly working twice as hard as everyone else to catch up because I didn't even know how to write a paper.

The composition class I took my freshman year helped me so much in my writing. I learned how to do research, how to set up a paper correctly, and how to cite sources. After my first semester, writing started to become much easier for me, so I decided to take an expository writing class to further my skills. This class was unbelievably difficult but I had a professor who was willing to help me learn and who was a wonderful professor.

Now, writing is still a big part of my life. I keep a personal blog and I am loving all the writing for this class. Furthermore, my major courses require a lot of writing. I am able to do many different kinds of writing in public relations, including press releases, research findings, and some advertising copy work. I am thrilled that writing has become such a big part of my life, as I think it is a great way to express yourself. Writing will always be a part of my career, which is something I am so excited about.

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