Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Week Eight Reading Diary Review

After reviewing the reading diary assignment from the beginning of the semester, I found that my reading diary is being used a little differently than originally intended. I realized that the original assignment was intended for students to keep up with their reading experience. I have been using the diary more as a reminder of the actual stories rather than how I felt while reading them.

Within my diary, I have been mainly using the strategy of keeping note of the events that happened in the story and things that stood out to me in the writing. The strategy of using the main events of the story to bring back all the memories of how the story made me feel and the things it reminded me of. I also always try to note any new things I learned or things that stood out to me. I have been using the same strategy every time to keep them consistent with my thought process. Furthermore, my posts are generally all about the same length. If stories are a little longer, the post is typically a little longer as well.

Overall, I think that my diary posts could be a little more detailed on the way the readings made me feel and what I got from them, rather than focusing so much on the actual events of the story. This change could cause the ideal reading diary to be a little bit longer. I normally don't include images in my diary post because many of the units are so diverse that finding one image to encompass the entire unit is definitely a hard thing to do.

I think that I have been doing a decent job at the reading diary. As noted above, I am going to work on focusing on the effects of the story and more of the literary devices used in the story, rather than the actual events of the story. My reading diary is helpful to my long-term memory. Remembering the events of the story helps me remember what happened and then the details come back to me so I think that my diary has been effective thus far.

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